Voluntary Blood Donation
Release date:2024-01-17

At Changyuan Precision Medical, social welfare has always been an important component of our corporate culture. We firmly believe that the success of a company lies not only in its economic benefits, but also in its feedback and contribution to society. Therefore, we actively organize employees to participate in various public welfare activities, among which voluntary blood donation is a tradition we have long adhered to.

We are well aware that blood is an important resource for saving lives, and voluntary blood donation is not only a public welfare activity, but also a social responsibility. Therefore, we regularly organize employees to participate in voluntary blood donation activities every year, contributing to society with love.

At the blood donation event site, we provided a comfortable environment and professional service for our employees. Medical staff will carefully check the physical condition of each employee to ensure that they meet the conditions for blood donation. At the same time, we will also prepare nutritious drinks and snacks for blood donors, so that they can replenish energy in a timely manner after blood donation.

Our employees actively respond and participate in every blood donation activity. Some of them are newcomers who have donated blood for the first time, while others are "veterans" who have donated blood multiple times. They interpret the corporate spirit of public welfare and social responsibility through their practical actions.

Through these voluntary blood donation activities, we not only contribute our love to society, but also make employees deeply feel the significance and value of public welfare activities. They stated that by donating blood, they not only made contributions to society, but also made themselves cherish life and pay more attention to health.

In the future, we will continue to organize more similar public welfare activities to enable employees to participate more deeply in social welfare. We believe that with everyone's joint efforts, we can definitely make more contributions to society and make this world a better place.

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